Author Topic: Coming To Hulu In December  (Read 2518 times)

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Offline tiffaninichole

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Coming To Hulu In December
« on: November 25, 2015, 01:46 PM »
Here's a list of movies and shows that are coming to Hulu next month. The list is pretty big and I'm excited about a few of them, especially Doped, The Wiz Live and Drunk History. I love Drunk History, it's one of my favorite shows and never fails to make me laugh out loud.


Offline rz3300

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Re: Coming To Hulu In December
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2016, 05:23 PM »
I would have to agree that the addition of Drunk History is a pretty good one.  I remember seeing one of the first episodes when it first came out and I thought that it was terrible, and then I saw a couple more and got hooked really easily.  It is weird how that works sometimes.  Anyways, it looks like a pretty good list to add on to what they currently have, and I will certainly be watching.