Author Topic: Canada sends plane to return scientists running Sierra Leone Ebola lab  (Read 801 times)

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Canada sends plane to return scientists running Sierra Leone Ebola lab

Canada is sending a charter plane to repatriate scientists who have been operating the country's mobile Ebola laboratory in Sierra Leone.
Source: Canada sends plane to return scientists running Sierra Leone Ebola lab

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Canadian laboratory team evacuated from Ebola zone back in Canada
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2014, 01:39 AM »
Canadian laboratory team evacuated from Ebola zone back in Canada

The Public Health Agency of Canada says the three Canadian scientists evacuated from Sierra Leone over Ebola concerns are back in Canada.
Source: Canadian laboratory team evacuated from Ebola zone back in Canada

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Quebec girl in hospital is being tested for Ebola
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2014, 01:39 AM »
Quebec girl in hospital is being tested for Ebola

A girl has been put in isolation at a hospital in Gatineau, Que., as a precautionary measure and is being tested for Ebola after coming down with a fever following a recent trip to West Africa.
Source: Quebec girl in hospital is being tested for Ebola

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Quebec girl in hospital tests negative for Ebola
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2014, 08:58 PM »
Quebec girl in hospital tests negative for Ebola

A girl who was put in isolation at a hospital in Gatineau, Que., as a precautionary measure has tested negative for Ebola.
Source: Quebec girl in hospital tests negative for Ebola