Author Topic: Stephen Harper will announce details on ISIS mission Friday  (Read 695 times)

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Stephen Harper will announce details on ISIS mission Friday

Prime Minister Stephen Harper will announce on Friday how Canada will increase its military support to combat the terrorist group ISIS in the Middle East.

Source: Stephen Harper will announce details on ISIS mission Friday

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WATCH LIVE: Harper to announce details on combat mission against ISIS
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2014, 01:01 PM »
WATCH LIVE: Harper to announce details on combat mission against ISIS

Prime Minister Stephen Harper will announce on Friday how Canada will increase its military support to combat the terrorist group ISIS in the Middle East.

Source: WATCH LIVE: Harper to announce details on combat mission against ISIS

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WATCH LIVE: Ottawa’s ISIS motion calls for airstrikes, no troops in Iraq

The federal government's motion on a combat mission in Iraq says the government wants to contribute Canadian military assets, "including airstrike capability," in Iraq for a period of up to six months.

Source: WATCH LIVE: Ottawa’s ISIS motion calls for airstrikes, no troops in Iraq

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Ottawa’s ISIS motion calls for airstrikes, no troops in Iraq
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2014, 07:51 PM »
Ottawa’s ISIS motion calls for airstrikes, no troops in Iraq

Prime Minister Stephen Harper laid out his case Friday for a Canadian combat mission in the Middle East, promising a fixed six-month window for airstrikes in Iraq - and possibly Syria - with no ground combat.

Source: Ottawa’s ISIS motion calls for airstrikes, no troops in Iraq