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Offline a1gonquin

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More cautions about tvrosat
« on: December 31, 2017, 08:22 AM »
As a1gonquin I was banned not that long ago. Tried to log in back then & was greeted with a message informing me that I had been banned. For more information was suppose to contact an administrator.
Did that thru an email & result was humiliation by the admin on the forum. Real classy guy. ::)

Here today a friend with website experience & I logged in only to discover my password had been changed. No "retired" under
my username so it appeared as if I hadn't been banned after all. But still couldn't log in.

There have been others whose accounts were 'closed' but not deactivated. These usernames suddenly became active again and strangely the grammar, punctuation, etc had changed some, as if it were being
ghost written, just enough to be noticeable if you were familiar with the person's posts in the past.

What my friend told me is that once they have control of your account they can do anything with it, including using your email address to get into other accounts at other forums, websites, etc. Fortunately my email
account was closed long ago because of suspicious activity.

So, for those who are still there it would be wise to attempt to log in, check your settings and if anything arouses suspicion, close that email account.

Tvroadmin. tek2000, the Professor, etc. are all the same person talking to himself to make it appear that there is more activity than there really is. All to make another sale. TVRO snake oil salesman is what he is,
that Alex Portillo aka Johm Simpson aka Carlos aka BossHogg aka etc, ad nauseum.

And here's the clincher, anyone who remembers all the bannings & rat avatars handed out at the defunct satellite testers will notice that this is the very same behavior now at tvrosat as back then.
Borrowed from another site:
"He couldn't hide his personality back then and he can't hide his personality now."

Here's the Google maps physical address of their Hong Kong factory/business looks like its in the heart of the garment district of Hong Kong. What else are they marketing, pointy slippers for the pirates?
Flying carpets for the Alibaba execs?
70 Queen's Road Central
Central Hong Kong

More will be revealed..........
« Last Edit: August 13, 2019, 06:35 AM by rainiersatellite »
The belief that there is only one truth, and that oneself is in possession of it, is the root of all evil in the world.

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Re: More cautions about tvrosat
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2018, 08:10 AM »
It's unfortunate that businesses and websites like this are allowed to operate. These folk are usually fast change artists that pop up, take your money then disappear just to pop up elsewhere with a new name to do it all over again. When purchasing a product from any business its best to check out the business before purchasing products. See if they have a business license that is current, a reachable phone number, and a physical location, not a PO box. Do they have a good rating with the better business bureau? If they don' have these basic qualifications to do business legitimately it should be a red flag to the consumer to avoid them at all costs. Tek2000, aka satellites-galore, aka TVROSAT fails miserably at all of these. You decide, Buyer Beware! 
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Offline a1gonquin

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Re: More cautions about tvrosat
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2018, 10:46 AM »
Not that I want to draw eyes to tvrosat but lately there at Tumbleweed Junction they've resorted to fabricating stories just to draw the eyes of visitors. Starts with a question, follows with canned response from the alter egos of tek2000/tekadmin/Portillo making comment. Then another response & another & so on. Ad nauseum.
And the whole "this or that person is mentally ill" ploy is something Portillo has used again & again to discredit those who disagree with him. He's done it to me recently at that raghole. He has done it to one of the founders of Rainier before that at that raghole. He has done it to his deceived followers as BossHogg at the defunct satellitetesters. He has done it to Dr. Sat at Satelliteguys as rooneysat.
He has a history of deflecting truths with allegations of mental illness.

One might surmise he has such a history himself........... ::)
The belief that there is only one truth, and that oneself is in possession of it, is the root of all evil in the world.

Max Born

Offline bigdishjohn

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Re: More cautions about tvrosat
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2018, 10:10 AM »
Tvrosat, Ricks, and others have hidden agendas they try to cover up using fables and folklore. My take is they want to attract unsuspecting fools and suck them into buying their cheap foreign fta junk. Which by the way have many reports all over of being just that, junk. Dragging Rainier into many discussions with bashing them shows they fear the truth getting out about their junk. Folk are starting to wise up, they want something that works. Rainier's equipment while may be pricy for some does that, it works, and works very well. Many good reports about what Rainier sells out there. I'm very satisfied with the D9865D Rainier sells. Its built like the old Chaparral receivers which were definitely high quality.  I recommend all who are tired of getting burned with those fta junker products to get Rainier products and see the difference. You always see posts of bugs, bricking etc in the fta forums using the fta dealers products. I never see that about Rainier's products. From my experience Rainier's products work flawlessly.  And with Rainier's 9865 you get the added benefit of subscribing to services like you could with your 4dtv. Those fta boxes cant do that nor ever will. 

Offline a1gonquin

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Re: More cautions about tvrosat
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2018, 10:36 AM »
Portillo is back at it again equating EVERYONE he disagrees with as being one person. That was his old ploy at the since defunct satellitetesters too.

Portillo descries bashing on his forum yet does this openly as alter identities, then bans these 'altered states of awareness' to make it look as if he condemns bashing. He jumps back & forth as one identity or another just like his silly excessive use of emoticons.......hopping from one foot to another hoping the distraction will fool the unsuspecting & uninitiated. 

He has even stooped to the new low of stealing the identity of American veterans to use in his pathetic campaigns. Nice............
Theme tune to listen to while viewing tackysat forum:
The belief that there is only one truth, and that oneself is in possession of it, is the root of all evil in the world.

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Re: More cautions about tvrosat
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2018, 07:39 PM »
Now for a little background history of tvrosat/satellitetesters. And some ideas about Alex Portillo aka John Simpson aka Carlos aka rooneysat aka BossHogg aka tekadmin aka etc.
Those that might have been around for the beginning of tvrosat will recall some posts about  PowerVu piracy. Posts extolling the prowess of a characters going by the monikers colibri and Wizard.  Posts how they had all the info necessary to freely steal from the PVu providers because the uplinkers were so ignorant to keep using the same old default keys. These pos(t)ers even had the audacity to boast how they couldnt be touched. How they had cracked open the world of PVu. All of this beginning in 2014!
Then the providers took notice and began changing keys to thwart the pirates.  So what does John Simpson do? He bans all talk of piracy and puts on his false face of fta satellite legitimacy.
But then, what does he do to continue this charade?  He also starts up another forum, satellitetesters, deceptively dedicated to satellite fta tvro, but with additional discussions freely advocating theft of encrypted signals, of course using his designated special stbs , ones with special add-on daughter boards. Daughter boards designed by his go to sources for piracy, including his Wizard, a name that used to be seen all over the other fta forms interchangeably with such aliases as Casper.
Keys were boldly posted in an announcement box for the latest PVu exploits for all to see – all including piracy investigators. Consequently it was easy for ICANN to build their case against satellitetesters to close that forum. They had caused all kinds of troubles for Rainier, preventing them from gaining traction with programming providers. Programming providers were reluctant to do business because of this known source of piracy. The day satellitetesters forum went dark was a day for celebration indeed!
Back to tvrosat. Emboldened by his delusions of success, tekadmin has openly posted feeds and muxes that were encrypted alongside ITC feeds for the pirates operating behind the scenes. Why post encrypted feeds if you only support legal fta? Seems that John Simpson never really intended to relent, does it?
If you have your doubts, just take a trip down memory lane at Wayback Machine to find the truths. Interesting slip on the part of John Simpson. He recently banned a new member whose username was VC2. Given his history of piracy in recent history, it takes no real stretch of the imagination to surmise that he was also involved in videocipher piracy back in the day. How very ironic.
The belief that there is only one truth, and that oneself is in possession of it, is the root of all evil in the world.

Max Born

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Re: More cautions about tvrosat
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2018, 08:22 AM »
Piracy has never done anything good for the industry. It has been tried time and time again and always ends up failing. Those who buy into it end up spending more than you would if you went the legal route. Those who perpetrate it end up with heavy fines, prosecution and jail time. While some think they are outsmarting the system, are they really? Most of the time pirate users are welcomed with a black screen due to continuing Electronic Counter Measures, missing the program or game they wanted to watch. The legal subscriber on the other hand turns on his TV and enjoys what he paid for. The pirate user frustrated contacts his pirate source to complain (if the guy is still around) his source says they need an upgrade at this cost. The stupid pirate user agrees, gets his fix and thinks he's got the system beat, until he sits down to watch the big game and again is welcomed by a black screen due to a new ECM sent his way from the programming source. So where is he ahead of the game? He isn't.

Dealers and websites that directly or indirectly address and sell modifiable equipment may think they have something good going until the sheriff raids them, arrests them, and ceases customer records. Then the prosecution begins. John Doe pirate box user gets a letter to pay fines for pirate activity or faces jail time. He either pays the fine or goes to jail. Even if he pays the fine to avoid jail time it comes with consequences. Such as being passed on when interviewing for a new job or position, getting a loan, buying a house, buying a car etc. All this grief just because he wanted to steal TV. Is it worth it? Well anyone with an ounce of common sense can see, NO! Choose the legal route You'll be happy you did.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2018, 08:17 AM by rainiersatellite »
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Offline bigdishjohn

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Re: More cautions about tvrosat
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2018, 08:24 AM »
I don't get it. Why can't the fta dealers TEK2000, TVROSAT, Ricks and others make it on the up and up? Why do they need to sell illegal equipment and steal to make a living? Guess its a form of drug dealing selling dope to the dopes. Usually the drug boys end up burning sooner or later. History shows us piracy always gets shutdown. STUPID STUPID STUPID!

Its best to stay away from anyone who promotes this type of activity. TVROSAT, TEK2000, John Simpson, got some shady deals going on. The sooner he's busted the better for the good c band folk.

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Re: More cautions about tvrosat
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2018, 08:53 PM »
I don't get it. Why can't the fta dealers TEK2000, TVROSAT, Ricks and others make it on the up and up? Why do they need to sell illegal equipment and steal to make a living? Guess its a form of drug dealing selling dope to the dopes. Usually the drug boys end up burning sooner or later. History shows us piracy always gets shutdown. STUPID STUPID STUPID!

Its best to stay away from anyone who promotes this type of activity. TVROSAT, TEK2000, John Simpson, got some shady deals going on. The sooner he's busted the better for the good c band folk.

Some are destined to live a life of crime, its their prerogative what they want to do with their life. The jails are full of these thugs. All they do is cost the honest citizen money supporting them in prison. Its sad but true.

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Offline bigdishjohn

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Re: More cautions about tvrosat
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2018, 01:37 PM »
Was wondering about something. Maybe some light can be shed about this. I noticed forums like Ricks and TVROSAT post feeds that are scrambled, why? I mean if a feed is scrambled that means you cant watch it, right. Or is it have something to do with pirate activities these guys are into? 

Offline a1gonquin

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Re: More cautions about tvrosat
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2018, 08:06 PM »
Was wondering about something. Maybe some light can be shed about this. I noticed forums like Ricks and TVROSAT post feeds that are scrambled, why? I mean if a feed is scrambled that means you cant watch it, right. Or is it have something to do with pirate activities these guys are into?
As to tvrosat, a lot has already been revealed in this thread. Rick Caylor has a checkered history as revealed here:

There's more out there, just plug in a few search terms like Rick Caylor/sonicview to find them. Likewise with Alex Portillo/John Simpson.
"The truth is out there.............."   ;D
The belief that there is only one truth, and that oneself is in possession of it, is the root of all evil in the world.

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Re: More cautions about tvrosat
« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2018, 12:50 PM »
As to tvrosat, a lot has already been revealed in this thread. Rick Caylor has a checkered history as revealed here:

There's more out there, just plug in a few search terms like Rick Caylor/sonicview to find them. Likewise with Alex Portillo/John Simpson.
"The truth is out there.............."   ;D

I see now. These guys have been dirty for years. It's sad they drag the big dish name down with their crooket games.

Offline bigdishjohn

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Re: More cautions about tvrosat
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2018, 12:14 PM »
Doing some research I came up with something interesting about TEK2000.  We know he has no physical address except a drop box for his business. With no phone number to speak with him at. Well he's suppose to be in Canada according to his webpage. If you look up his domain name it shows registered to Panama South America. What gives?? Something is definitely wrong with this picture. Why hide if your legit?

Registrant Street: Addison House Plaza, piso 1.

Registrant City: Panama

Registrant State/Province: Panama

Registrant Postal Code: 6-3783
Registrant Country: PA

Registrant Phone: +507.3014896

See it all at this link.

Offline a1gonquin

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Re: More cautions about tvrosat
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2018, 09:40 PM »
It was pointed out to me that Mr Tvrosat Portillo called a cry for help thread BS on his "forum", a forum populated by lots of users of his own creation. If he's mad at FTA, then maybe he should find another "vocation."
Oh, that's right, once a crook always a crook. Nevermind.

A thread on another forum by a poster seeking help for a product that the vagabond BossHogg Portillo isn't supporting anymore:

Portillo has taken an old tact - calling a competitor scammers to discredit their reputations publicly. He did this openly back in his satellitetesters days & still does today. He can't hide his personality - its too twisted.

Ironic how he can call others scammers when it wasn't so long ago that he was conniving his patrons with Icelandic bitcoin schemes to purchase EOL Dreambox500HDs & other piracy goodies. This has been proven earlier in this same thread. He tried to erase his past, but the WayBack Machine still has some of his history for anyone to find.

His minion personalities appear in every FTA satellite forum out there. Only thing propping up his online "store" are the Chinese & their monies. Fake satellite dish inventories, fake receiver inventories ( as he did so frequently as BossHogg), fake usernames, fake stories to attract the uninitiated &, sorry to say it, gullible masses. ::)
His zgumby box is a total joke. Go read up on it at legit fta. Promised the world & delivered an empty dirt lot in a back alley.
To put it simply: Promises made. Promises broken.

« Last Edit: September 13, 2018, 11:53 AM by a1gonquin »
The belief that there is only one truth, and that oneself is in possession of it, is the root of all evil in the world.

Max Born

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Re: More cautions about tvrosat
« Reply #14 on: September 13, 2018, 08:28 AM »
TvroSat is run by Tek2000 (John Simpson) an Ex pirate dealer doing business from a drop box in Canada. His intent is to dump cheap Chinese gear in the USA, and Canada. If you do a search for his license to do business it comes up empty. What that tells me is he is conducting business illegally. This is probably why you can't contact him by phone. He wants no way of being traced. He uses dirt posts at TVROSAT to sway folk from going to legal businesses like Rainier. The problem here is he pollutes the internet with his lies and confuses many who are truly looking for good satellite equipment and programming for their c band big dish. Eventually his actions will burn him just like it did with Fridge FTA who conducted business similar. Joe Franko's Fridge FTA shutdown well over a year ago. Tek2000 will also meet this fate as history repeats itself.