Author Topic: Rainier Satellite is expanding what we provide.  (Read 899 times)

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Offline rainiersatellite

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Rainier Satellite is expanding what we provide.
« on: April 04, 2016, 09:08 AM »
With HITS to home last broadcast day scheduled for June 30, 2016. Rainier Satellite is expanding its operation with more cable channel programming content and more telecommunication delivery options for all very soon. We appreciate all the positive support we have received from the soon to be orphaned HITS subscribers and the satellite community in general. It's those people out there who love their big dish that's been the driving force behind us. We are working for a great C band revival with a few extra communication options thrown in.

You can stay up to date with our expanding progress at our news page:
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Offline Z_finigan

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Re: Rainier Satellite is expanding what we provide.
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2016, 10:10 PM »
With HITS to home last broadcast day scheduled for June 30, 2016. Rainier Satellite is expanding its operation with more cable channel programming content and more telecommunication delivery options for all very soon. We appreciate all the positive support we have received from the soon to be orphaned HITS subscribers and the satellite community in general. It's those people out there who love their big dish that's been the driving force behind us. We are working for a great C band revival with a few extra communication options thrown in.

You can stay up to date with our expanding progress at our news page:

 I have a few points to make.  1 soon as you have at least the programming that we have on our 4dtv. I will buy a box and become a dealer.
2 I hope unlike old cband. They get with the times and understand people own more than one tv. And we should be aloud to have more then one box per account.   I know the system can take it. I have 2 4dtv units and 2 fta boxes and they all can run at the same time. I use a dual lnb.    I hope the system is online soon.   
I think if people were smart.  They would say shame on Comcast. There behind the ruins of cband to begin with. They are an monopoly. And they want every penny.   the only thing nice about the fta boxes of today.   Now is Comcast can't shut them down unlike 4dtv. And on some systems. Those boxes can use an cam card.  So the provider can give you one. Skipping comcast.

Offline rainiersatellite

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Re: Rainier Satellite is expanding what we provide.
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2016, 07:47 AM »
Rainier  will be providing more channels soon. Many that are on the current SD platform with the 4DTV, and others that haven't been on C band subscription for a while, plus some never before seen channels. Our channels are and will be in Pure HD. The way C band worked before was we received the first generation signals directly to home via our big dishes. This is what Rainier has revived and will continue to provide. With TV's resolution better than ever before one knows what a low bitrate signal such as provided by cable, small dish, IPTV, and HITS systems can look faded and blocky. The larger the screen the worse this poor quality signal shows its ugly head. Once you see the quality that only Rainier provides on a 50 inch or larger TV you will be blown away by it. This is our goal to provide what the back yard dish industry has been lacking for many years. And have available the ultimate picture quality for high end people who want this.

Comcast basically is a cable company. Their interest is in providing signals to their cable headends for redistribution, not c band backyard dish users. Any signals currently on the old 4DTV platform or the new DVB platform are not master broadcast pure signals. The master signals are received in Denver, then compressed, then retransmitted with poorer cable quality to affiliates. Comcast HITS signal being used for the backyard dish owner was always a compromise, and a band-aid fix for the 4DTV that after end of 2010 could no longer receive the master (first generation) signals because Motorola shut that service down.

Using FTA boxes with cam cards will never happen in the US. Signals need to be secure and cam cards allow signal breaches more freely. This is a main concern with the programmers to protect content.

Rainier has looked at it from all angles and has provided the best solution with the best quality possible. We will continue on this path and grow in the coming months and years. Hope to have all aboard who are looking for true PURE HD quality in the near future.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2016, 01:13 PM by rainiersatellite »
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