Author Topic: Incorrect information about Rainier's packages being spread by FTA community  (Read 528 times)

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Offline rainiersatellite

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    • Rainier Satellite
It has come to our attention that incorrect information is being spread by dealers selling FTA only receivers. This is being spread at forums and when contacted by phone about equipment.

Lets set the record straight here.

Information given at FTA forums and on phone calls to FTA dealers state that most of Rainier's subscription channels can be watched for free. That is a lie, they cannot. While a few channels added lately to our packages may be ITC at this moment Rainier has added these due to upcoming scrambling of these signals. Rainier is in contact with the programmers daily and is privy to what is in the works (scrambling of diginets and other services). Being a Rainier subscriber to these allows you to continue to receive these when the switch is thrown. Just like with the Gone Viral networks lately.

More information:

If your FTA dealer promoted any of these channels and you cannot get them or cannot down the road. Rainier suggests you contact your FTA dealer about why they lied to you to get the sale. Buyer Beware.   


Tvrosat AKA, Tek2000 AKA, Satellites-Galore, has ramped up their smear campaign towards Rainier Satellite posting more lies at their forum. These actions are pathetic. These same attacks and tactics were used by Joe Franko owner of the now deceased Fridge FTA. Fridge FTA was another online business without a phone number or physical address. BUYER BEWARE OF TVROSAT, aka TEK2000. They have no phone number, physical address or license to do business legally. BUYER BEWARE!! 
« Last Edit: February 19, 2018, 10:34 AM by rainiersatellite »
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Offline bigdishjohn

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I'm glad you guys are working on keeping channels from all sources for us. The problem I see with the fta crowd is they believe they are entitled to signals that aren't suppose to be for them in the first place. If I owned a channel and spent money to deliver it to my tv stations I would expect to be paid. The fta crowd intercepting signals not meant for them is a form of piracy. Looks like the programmers are getting wise to their ways. I'm sure that's motivating them to scramble.

I would never purchase anything from companies like Tek2000. What credibility does he have? None I can see. No phone, an address that goes to a drop box, no business license, lying to people ect. It's a no brainier stay away. If you buy then get burned you have no one to blame but yourself. I'll stick with legit companies like Rainier.

Offline rainiersatellite

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    • Rainier Satellite
I'm glad you guys are working on keeping channels from all sources for us. The problem I see with the fta crowd is they believe they are entitled to signals that aren't suppose to be for them in the first place. If I owned a channel and spent money to deliver it to my tv stations I would expect to be paid. The fta crowd intercepting signals not meant for them is a form of piracy. Looks like the programmers are getting wise to their ways. I'm sure that's motivating them to scramble.

They are scrambling because of contract agreements with cable operators.

I would never purchase anything from companies like Tek2000. What credibility does he have? None I can see. No phone, an address that goes to a drop box, no business license, lying to people ect. It's a no brainier stay away. If you buy then get burned you have no one to blame but yourself. I'll stick with legit companies like Rainier.

We appreciate your trust in us. We go out of our way to take good care of the customers which shows by our A+ rating with the BBB.

Unfortunately there are many fly by night businesses out there. This is not good for our industry or any other. Business such as TVROSAT / TEK2000 acting as they do shows they have NO regard for their customers or the c band industry in general. They blame everyone else for their own failure. These companies aren't around very long.
Rainier Satellite LLC Support.
Call us at: 509-486-4137