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Tvrosat's added a Paypal donate button to its site begging for money and ads to support it. That's really sad. Guess the no sales from garbage products can't turn the few measly coins needed for support of the domain name and server space. The FTA pirate magic carpet's going to be rolling up over there really soon.
It's been brought to our attention the owners of TVROSAT been involved in using ILLEGAL methods manipulating search results on GOOGLE to DEFAME Rainier Satellite. We've contacted the legal team with this evidence and it's now under investigation. These perpetrators are walking on thin ice and have more to loose then they realize.
The hogg jerk that runs that tvrorat site needs to go back to school to get an education, seems he can't count. He's saying Rainier has 3 channels? ? Last time I counted Rainier has around 200, with every cable channel anyone can want. See how he tries to spread FALSE PROPAGANDA to the public. More plain and simple stupidity from the tvrorat propaganda rag.
Looks like TVROSAT, TEK2000 is out of stock of all his products. Blames it on Covid-19 and his Chinese bed partners. Too bad the guy will be going under soon. Its funny watching him keep sticking his fat foot in his mouth bashing Rainier while they keep moving forward. If he only had a brain and worked to promote C band with industry leaders like Rainier he wouldn't today be in this predicament. Karma has a way of of eventually getting the bad apples.
Its official Tek2000 is dumping whatever junk he has left and that's it. Posted yesterday at TVROSAT."We are completely sold out on all other C band antennas, both solid and mesh and all sizes. Due to the economic paralysis the world is currently facing, thanks to the pandemic (real or imagined or contrived) restrictions, we will not be selling any more antennas in 2021 and possibly never again.We have not taken this decision lightly, but with container shortages sending shipping costs through the roof, global manufacturing parts shortages and a rural American consumer that has been devastated by job losses and/or small business collapse, we had no other choice. Too bad.We do have some stock of antenna accessories, such as LNBFs, actuators, switches, posts, etc. We will continue to sell down this inventory, but once it is gone, there will be no more."Also noticed the once great Skyvision which became Sky Express a few years back went out of business.That leaves Rainier Satellite as your go to for everything TVRO big dish satellite. Keep up the good work Rainier. Running a business right using US made products paid off for you.