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FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« on: January 04, 2018, 05:13 pm »
   I joined Dr. Sat to defend Rainier Satellite because I am tired of reading all of the crap being spread by what I would refer to as jealousy by a few whiny forum members on the other forums. I can not post this anywhere else or I would get banned as they do to anyone with a positive statement for Rainier. They put down Rainier even though not a single one of them have attempted to bring subscriptions back to C-Band. Nor do they understand the effort it takes to obtain a scrambled channel. For some people it seems that their Wheaties get pissed in every day. They thrive on negativity. If Rainier was as shady as some report, do you honestly believe the programmers would do business with them? You are checked and double checked to make sure you do not have a nefarious agenda. (Piracy)
   I have been with Rainier since almost the beginning and have had an excellent relationship ever since. Rainier is doing what everyone said could not be done by turning on PowerVu channels. No one but Rainier has been successful in doing this. Jeff S had all of his promises but has gone the way of the recent Rumble TV, 3DTV and Freedbs. I subscribe to all channels available and will subscribe to the larger packages as new channels are turned on. Their phone support / customer relations are the best in the industry. Their products are the best of the best. Having been with them for so long I am privy to limited info into the future. 2018 WILL be a banner year for Rainier Satellite LLC. regardless of the naysayers and haters. Just wait and see. 
   The Cisco receiver has been flawless since day 1. Prior to purchasing it I had never tried FTA and was surprised how easy it was to program in a channel / mux. The picture is just amazing and the depth gives a 3D look to it. Very impressive.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2019, 06:39 am by rainiersatellite »

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Re: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2018, 09:34 am »
Rainier has delt with this negative press from those FTA forums since day one. Not one who post this negativity have ever had the D9865 receiver in there hands. Although they're all experts in saying bad things about it. The truth is the 9865 is a very high quality receiver built by Cisco. Cisco is a well known name worldwide. FTA boxes are built by companies no one heard of, usually for pennies on a dollar. FTA folk keep going around in circles purchasing this that and the other thing hoping it will work well, but seldom does.

Another thing they're experts at is programming. They don't have a clue whats involved. Its very hard work negotiating these contacts, not to mention the high cost of lawyer and other associated fees. If it was so easy many would be doing it. Look at programming center, even with the power they commanded at the end of 4DTV run they could not get Arris to budge to keep it going. That should prove to these naysayers it's next to impossible to get done. But through hard work and determination Rainier has built a small satellite company that continues to grow offering cable programming for c band backyard dish folk.

Rainier Satellite is not the enemy as many make us out to be. We have the backyard dish owners best interest at heart. We want our clients to not only get a quality picture but get quality equipment too. That's all we sell. The percentage of issues with our products are non existent. Can the FTA dealers selling their low cost products honestly say this?

Our founders are old C band users who have seen it all from the early days through its peak, and into its demise. We know how great C band is and what it can be again, especially for rural America where the options for TV viewing is sparse.

These FTA forums and dealers are only hurting themselves as they keep lying to the public and screwing their customers. Eventually even their most loyal fans will get sick of it and leave them. Were seeing more and more of them hanging on by a wing and a prayer grasping for straws to hang in there. Wouldn't it make more sense to sell quality products that last, are supported and treat your clients well? But then some will never learn.

Rainier Satellite LLC Support.
Call us at: 509-486-4137

Offline bigdishjohn

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Re: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2018, 03:57 pm »
I joined this forum because hopefully I can speak freely about Rainier Satellite without my post being deleted, my membership threatened by the moderator, and banned. Fta forum's I'm talking about are  Ricks satellites, Satelliteguys, Tvrosat, and Satforums. They go the way to not let you talk about Rainier or rip up what you say then ban you.

I got on board with Rainier last fall. I'm very satisfied with there service and equipment. They continue to do what they say, bring back c band subscription. I was a 4DTV subscriber till they shutdown. I thought of going fta but to me it seems not to be what these forums make it out to be. The channels are not guaranteed like with a subscription. I like the channel there when I want to watch. I got NESN turned on for free last week from Rainier with my subscription. I think that was great gift from them.

If you read bad things at those forums I mentioned about Rainier don't believe it, its a bunch of lies. They don't want to see them succeed. I'm glad Rainier is there and growing. 


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Re: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2018, 10:21 am »
I joined this forum because hopefully I can speak freely about Rainier Satellite without my post being deleted, my membership threatened by the moderator, and banned. Fta forum's I'm talking about are  Ricks satellites, Satelliteguys, Tvrosat, and Satforums. They go the way to not let you talk about Rainier or rip up what you say then ban you.

I got on board with Rainier last fall. I'm very satisfied with there service and equipment. They continue to do what they say, bring back c band subscription. I was a 4DTV subscriber till they shutdown. I thought of going fta but to me it seems not to be what these forums make it out to be. The channels are not guaranteed like with a subscription. I like the channel there when I want to watch. I got NESN turned on for free last week from Rainier with my subscription. I think that was great gift from them.

If you read bad things at those forums I mentioned about Rainier don't believe it, its a bunch of lies. They don't want to see them succeed. I'm glad Rainier is there and growing.

Welcome to Rainier's official forum. Were sorry you had bad experiences at other forums. You may speak freely here about Rainier concernig your positive experiences. It will not be removed.

Its unfortunate the FTA run forums don't play nice when concerning Rainier. We don't know if its fear, jealousy, hate, or what? What we've seen in the past few years when it comes to the fta industry is everyone's in it for themselves.  Each dealer or forum hate each other. This is sad and not how c band was originally built. Rainier on the other hand tries and continues to bring companies and industry key player together, helping it grow. Those who are in it for themselves and promote the muting of good news concerning us, bash us etc are destined for failure.

The FTA playing field is changing rapidly. Channel offerings continue to diminish by encryption. This is due to the fact that cable controls if a channel gets scrambled. Once picked up for their systems the channels are required to encrypt. This is what happened with the Gone Viral Networks lately. Instead of just letting these channels be gone from C band forever, Rainier Satellite got a contract with the network and brought them back to our subscription platform. Rainier will continue to do this whenever possible.

The other changes that are happening is programmers are beginning to protect backhauls, fronthauls, and distro feeds. For years many fta folk watched these feeds for free flying under the radar. FTA forums and dealers such as Ricks, Tvrosat and others use these feeds to promote their products without paying licensing fees. Programmers are wise to this and have now begun protecting content that those places use for sales. This trend continues to ramp up and continue. The days of FTA that once was like it or not is coming to an end. What FTA will be in years to come is only networks such as religious and shopping channels who get there operating costs paid by those watching will be in the clear. If their income stops they will go away too.

While some don't believe that they should pay for programming this is not the direction most distributed content is heading. Rainier sees this and will continue to work to provide and bring back quality programming in our subscription packages to C band satellite owners at affordable prices. We are dedicated to C band and will continue to make it grow.
Rainier Satellite LLC Support.
Call us at: 509-486-4137

Offline bigdishjohn

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Re: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2018, 11:40 am »
Thanks for the welcome. You have a fine service there, keep going. Kudos for all your doing.

I can see how the programmers would be mad at the fta dealers using their licensed product without payment. It's their product, they have the right to demand payment. Something happened at Ricks lately that made Rick turn tail and run adding new rules over there. Wonder if some networks got together and threatened him with a lawsuit, fined him or what? He turned off PM's for good. Something fishy was definitely going on.

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Re: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2018, 09:05 am »
Thanks for the welcome. You have a fine service there, keep going. Kudos for all your doing.

I can see how the programmers would be mad at the fta dealers using their licensed product without payment. It's their product, they have the right to demand payment. Something happened at Ricks lately that made Rick turn tail and run adding new rules over there. Wonder if some networks got together and threatened him with a lawsuit, fined him or what? He turned off PM's for good. Something fishy was definitely going on.

We appreciate the kind words about Rainier.

Many of these FTA dealers have not so nice skeletons in their closet including those mentioned in this thread. They are not squeaky clean like they make themselves out to be. Seems paranoia is setting in lately at the FTA camps over Rainier's addition of NESN and scrambling of other networks. We did not take away these signals from anyone expecting them to be free. They are pay channels and scrambled for that reason. Rainier has invested $$$$$ in getting contracts to provide these once again for the backyard dish owners. We welcome all who wish to follow the Bruins, Red Sox and other fine programming Rainier delivers to become a subscriber.

Unlike with FTA you are guaranteed to be able to catch that big game, or your favorite show without spending hours scanning the sky for it just to find out its not there. 

Read more on common FTA receivers FTA dealers sell:  Our D9865D receiver is bug free right of the box.

Rainier will be announcing more channel additions very soon. We are in contract talks with many of the programmers. Many agreements are getting close to fruition.

For those who wish to spread out payments for equipment and programming over time we offer 0% financing. Rainier is now more affordable than ever.

Rainier Satellite LLC Support.
Call us at: 509-486-4137

Offline bigdishjohn

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Re: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2018, 08:15 am »
Just purchased the new Canadian Networks your offering. You guys are great. So nice to see new content being made available for us. Nothing new being offered from the fta dealers but a couple cheap boxes that Rick himself admits is buggy and not made for the USA. Then you have that guy at Tvrosat offering a bunch of pipe dreams like 4:2:2 with a receiver that the chip it uses isn't capable of decoding. Feel sorry for those stuck on that fta receiver merry go round dumping countless dollars on the same old garbage hardware. Fta dealers cant offer any new content because they cant. Their new receivers are no better than the old ones that continue to be buggy because you cant fix junk. Why not look at other options instead of the cheap garbage? The Rainier receiver's been playing rock solid on it all, just like you guys said it would. Best investment I made in years.   

Offline a1gonquin

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Re: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2018, 01:31 pm »
   I joined Dr. Sat to defend Rainier Satellite because I am tired of reading all of the crap being spread by what I would refer to as jealousy by a few whiny forum members on the other forums. I can not post this anywhere else or I would get banned as they do to anyone with a positive statement for Rainier. They put down Rainier even though not a single one of them have attempted to bring subscriptions back to C-Band. Nor do they understand the effort it takes to obtain a scrambled channel. For some people it seems that their Wheaties get pissed in every day. They thrive on negativity. If Rainier was as shady as some report, do you honestly believe the programmers would do business with them? You are checked and double checked to make sure you do not have a nefarious agenda. (Piracy)
   I have been with Rainier since almost the beginning and have had an excellent relationship ever since. Rainier is doing what everyone said could not be done by turning on PowerVu channels. No one but Rainier has been successful in doing this. Jeff S had all of his promises but has gone the way of the recent Rumble TV, 3DTV and Freedbs. I subscribe to all channels available and will subscribe to the larger packages as new channels are turned on. Their phone support / customer relations are the best in the industry. Their products are the best of the best. Having been with them for so long I am privy to limited info into the future. 2018 WILL be a banner year for Rainier Satellite LLC. regardless of the naysayers and haters. Just wait and see. 
   The Cisco receiver has been flawless since day 1. Prior to purchasing it I had never tried FTA and was surprised how easy it was to program in a channel / mux. The picture is just amazing and the depth gives a 3D look to it. Very impressive.
Rather curious that the overseas sponsors of the those stbs have not openly supported their products at those other forums. Must be they are still stinging from the old satscams cleansing and so are afraid to expose their foreign IPs to scrutiny by FBI E3? So they use shills here in NA to do their dirty work, hmm? Including rounding up the haters from a defunct forum to wage war against Rainier - the pathetic bluster from a muster of peacocks that is. All those villains will get is this -
Rainier has nothing to hide, no apologies to make for shoddy equipment nor for shoddy support. But if those whiny gimme gimmes elsewhere think they'll have full support from their forum vendors or the mfrs they are sadly mistaken.   
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Re: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2018, 06:49 pm »
Quote from: a1gonquin
Rainier has nothing to hide, no apologies to make for shoddy equipment nor for shoddy support. But if those whiny gimme gimmes elsewhere think they'll have full support from their forum vendors or the mfrs they are sadly mistaken.

Rainier goes out of our way to get quality products to sell. We test all products thoroughly before they go for sale at our store.  We will not settle for low cost poorly made gear like many FTA dealers do. Our products offer full phone support. We work with the customer till their happy. This is the only way Rainier believes business should be done. It pays off by having followup sales from our customers on other products we sell. It also gets us more customers by the referrals our happy customers give.   
Rainier Satellite LLC Support.
Call us at: 509-486-4137

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Re: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2018, 09:12 am »
There's been quite a lot of input lately about the negativity that continues to be spread about Rainier Satellite.

To set the record straight Rainier Satellite LLC is a legal business that was founded by 3 satellite pioneers. We've been working since 2013 to bring subscription television back to the backyard dish owner. This has been extremely difficult because Rainier needed to reinvent the wheel. Motorola along with the small dish companies tried to extinguish big dish satellite off the map, they almost succeeded at that. To top off this hardship Rainier and its employees has been center stage in a continuous battle being waged by folk who are or claim to be big dish owners, forum owners and dealers that interest revolves around finding a signal on satellite for free.

Rainier is not the bad guy here as those folk make us out to be. We remain focused on our goal to bring back the quality cable TV programming that once was available on the big dish that made it shine. Lately we've added Sony Movie Channel and Cine Sony, premium movie networks to our new expanding Variety pack launching soon. Uncut movie channels were lost when Starz left the 4DTV scene in 2014. Were not affiliated, nor tied to the demise of FTA signals lately as they migrate to encrypted status or choose other means of delivery. This is a choice solely made by the programmer to protect their signal as the expanding use of technology to deliver them evolves.

In a perfect world every one with similar interests "to expand big dish TV" would work together for a common goal. Unfortunately that is not the case as smearing today is used as a tactic against the competition from politicians to small mom and pop businesses. This wastes valuable time and resources that could otherwise be used for good. Rainier Satellite LLC will not get tangled up in this sort of activity.

Rainier Satellite LLC will continue to stay focused on our goals to bring back subscription TV channel offerings, and supply quality New products such as our Mighty Mini Dish mover "tracker  controller" to the backyard dish owner. End users can choose to purchase our products and services or not.  At Rainier we're not interested in chasing a pig in a poke signal that is short lived, nor do anything to discredit those who do. If that's your interest that's entirely up to you.  We wish to bring our current and future clients quality products and subscription programming that can be relied upon every time you want to watch TV.  The choice is yours.

You can learn more about Rainiers products and services by visiting 

Rainier Satellite LLC Support.
Call us at: 509-486-4137

Offline bigdishjohn

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Re: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2018, 02:16 pm »
Seems the crybabies at SatelliteGuys are lately starting up a new bash Rainier thread weekly. Its the same old MO written by their ghostwriting team of fta dealers that frequent and hawk their hackware products over there. Sales must be in the toliet as this attack is rearing its ugly head more and more recently.

What is the big threat that Rainier poses that troubles these guys? Could it be the success Rainier continues to have or what?

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Re: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2018, 02:40 pm »
You know perfectly well that Sadgoons has a foothold situation that first developed in 2012 when Stargaze couldn't let anyone else hold the reins of that mapmaster project. He festered & fussed & cussed his way to power. He just could not let go like a sane person.

Problem is that some are still in power there drank deeply of that KoolAid. A virtual Jonestown free thinking suicide. Now the minions continue regurgitating that same old song & dance whenever it suits them.
How very original of them.............they want no other merchandise to diminish sales of their hackware.

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Re: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2018, 03:00 pm »
The fta peddlers such as Brian Titanium, are getting ready to rake the unsuspecting fools over the coals again with the release of some old foreign wreckware box. Their new clunker gets the same old fta channels that continue to diminish, that the old clunker got, nothing new. Rainier on the other hand continues to get new cable content like Sony Movie Channel. No matter how they try to disguise their new clunker, its just another ripoff they're trying to pull on their loyal followers again. Looks like they follow some same old script when ripping off their customers as they do with bashing Rainier.   

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Re: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2018, 03:53 pm »
Seems the crybabies at SatelliteGuys are lately starting up a new bash Rainier thread weekly. Its the same old MO written by their ghostwriting team of fta dealers that frequent and hawk their hackware products over there. Sales must be in the toliet as this attack is rearing its ugly head more and more recently.

What is the big threat that Rainier poses that troubles these guys? Could it be the success Rainier continues to have or what?

These FTA dealers must have screws loose.  Rainier Satellite is not in competition with them in any way. We aren't interested in promoting FTA content that continues to go away, or cheap foreign products targeted at third world counties that receives it. Rainier is a Cable Television programming delivery service available for the Big Dish owner. We work hard getting contracts to deliver the channels available to the pay market. Maybe it's the fears that we can offer premium cable content, and our 9865 series of receiver also can receive any FTA content with better stability causes them to continue their charade? In reality if they had a good business model, and product that delivered something substantial for a change their sales may increase. Bashing Rainier trying to cover up for their own product and content shortcomings is bad business. Buyer Beware!

Evidently they haven looked at our success lately:
Rainier Satellite LLC Support.
Call us at: 509-486-4137

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Re: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2018, 06:06 pm »
I spoke with the proprietor of Titanium Satellite Brian Gohl about subscription satellite TV programming earlier this year. He brought up Rainier Satellite, spoke poorly of them and warned me to stay away. I didn't listen to him and did my own investigating. I looked at the reviews, spoke with Rainier and decided to go with them. Well Mr Gohl's warnings were nothing but a bunch of lies. Rainier is great, they treat me very well, answered all my questions, and gave me excellent tech support. The D9865 receiver works flawless. Rainier offers a good selection of programming. They keep adding more channels. What else can you ask for? Don't believe anything negative these fta guys say. They're a bunch of liars.