Author Topic: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite  (Read 4399 times)

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Offline bigdishjohn

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Re: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« Reply #15 on: December 31, 2018, 01:05 pm »
I spoke with the proprietor of Titanium Satellite Brian Gohl about subscription satellite TV programming earlier this year. He brought up Rainier Satellite, spoke poorly of them and warned me to stay away. I didn't listen to him and did my own investigating. I looked at the reviews, spoke with Rainier and decided to go with them. Well Mr Gohl's warnings were nothing but a bunch of lies. Rainier is great, they treat me very well, answered all my questions, and gave me excellent tech support. The D9865 receiver works flawless. Rainier offers a good selection of programming. They keep adding more channels. What else can you ask for? Don't believe anything negative these fta guys say. They're a bunch of liars.   

I got the same story from Rick Caylor about Rainier of Ricks Satellite. Seems these fta guys are joined at the hip smoking the same dope.

If you look at what Rainier's doing it's a good thing for the backyard dish guy. They're bringing new and exciting products and great programming back to c band. Its like it was many moons ago. Fta guys keep going round and round offering the same old dung for a shrinking channel list. Then they have the nerve to bash Rainier for what they're doing. Unbelievable! 

Offline a1gonquin

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Re: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« Reply #16 on: December 31, 2018, 08:04 pm »
How do you keep turkeys in suspense.......................
The belief that there is only one truth, and that oneself is in possession of it, is the root of all evil in the world.

Max Born

Offline bigdishjohn

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Re: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« Reply #17 on: January 01, 2019, 06:17 am »
How do you keep turkeys in suspense.......................

Let them FTA boys keep guessing what GOOD Rainier is going to do NEXT!  :)

They continually complain about loosing channels, and blame Rainier. Maybe they should take a long look in the mirror at their own followers websites with big mouths who keep posting any morsel of signals they may find. Do they really think the programmers don't read this and know what they're up too?

Then again when you rely on a flash in the pan channel to peddle your product without going through the legal route like Rainier does to get rights to advertise your SOL. FTA is not the cup of tea they try to make it out to be and never will.   

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Re: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« Reply #18 on: January 01, 2019, 09:10 pm »
I will try to educate the masses about why channels get scrambled. First I will preface with that any signal on C band is property of the content owner and they have the right to do whatever they desire to do with the signal. The majority of signals that FTA folk watch don't have the legal right to. Its only by the content owners good graces that the FTA dealers don't get sued for using these as a sale tool without the legal rights.  As I already stated its their signal and they control it. Which leads me to scrambling. In the case of networks that already have scrambled or planning it. They did so to either protect the content they broadcast (the case of TV stations diginets) or because cable and growing IPTV services requested it be scrambled or they won't carry it, this trend will continue in 2019.  In the case of backhaul feeds (especially sports) the network it's targeted for (ie ESPN, Fox etc) and the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, NHRA, etc have agreements to protect the content. This trend will continue in 2019.

Rainier is not the bad guy here as poorly educated FTA dealers profess. In fact were the good guys as we acquired rights to the KATZ 4 (Grit, Escape, Laff, and Bounce) in 2018 and will be able to continue to provide these when fully encrypted this year. We will work with broadcasters whenever we can to acquire rights to provide channels that encrypt.

Like it or not these are the facts behind the scrambling, not the fables made up by disgruntled FTA dealers and or their followers. If you have any questions about this or anything else Rainier can help you can always contact Rainier Satellite at 509-486-4137 and speak with a team member.
Rainier Satellite LLC Support.
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Offline 4dtvfrank

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Re: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« Reply #19 on: January 02, 2019, 09:19 am »
Thanks for explaining it. Looks like those fta guys are walking a fine line. Don't want anything to do with businesses as such.

Offline bigdishjohn

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Re: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« Reply #20 on: January 03, 2019, 08:14 am »
These FTA dealers need to stop lying to the public. Alex Portillo (aka John Simpson, aka Carlos, aka Tek2000, aka tvroadmin) needs to educate himself and his fellow fta buddies to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) not post some outdated information.

Its too funny watching the so called fta hierarchy ::) telling Rainier how they want the subscription model to work. Do they have a clue of really whats involved? 'doubtful' If they knew so much how come they ain't done anything themselves? They keep going round riding that dying fta one trick magic pony. Remember Rainier got subscription TV back for the big dish they didn't. If they had common sense and were serious about wanting subscription back they would either support it for what it is or shut up. But I digress, they will keep going round and round with bs.
Here's a New Years present for the FTA crowd. The DMX music channels will be leaving C band March 31, 2019? Looks like Rainier was right that the trend of FTA channels leaving in 2019 continues. Don't believe me contact the owners of DMX. 


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Re: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« Reply #21 on: January 03, 2019, 05:39 pm »
The subscription business model some FTA folk want is unrealistic. They want dirt dirt cheap receivers and ala-cart services. This will never happen in the US.  Ala-cart is gone and won't be coming back. When you could get ala-carte back in the 80's and 90's the receivers cost were over $1000. The new price for our D9865H receiver is very fair for all you get. With the cost of inflation its cost is one third of what you  paid for a receiver in the old days. Programming these days must be in packages bundled with other programmers channels. Those are the rules. Bucking the system will get you nowhere. You can't tell the programmers what to do, that will get you a swift boot out the door.

From what logistics show there's a small number of FTA folk that don't agree with us, that's fine. There's always someone who disagrees. Were not twisting anybody's arm to purchase Rainier. We have thousands of subscribers that are happy with all we're doing. The numbers continue to grow monthly. We appreciate the increasing business. Rainier vow's to continue to work hard,  and acquire more and more Cable TV content Were Bringing Back C band!

Happy New Year to all from Rainier Satellite LLC.   
Rainier Satellite LLC Support.
Call us at: 509-486-4137

Offline 4dtvfrank

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Re: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« Reply #22 on: January 04, 2019, 10:57 am »
Happy New Year Rainier, and the good guys in satellite. I'm very satisfied with your products. Keep up the good work. May you guys continue to prosper in all you do.

Offline bigdishjohn

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Re: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« Reply #23 on: January 05, 2019, 08:08 am »
FTA dealer violations of copyright on hardware and content they say they provide are rampant. Their arrogant attitude will bury them in due time. Word is Rick already been served with infringement papers. As they flip the bird at the laws it's just a matter of time before these guys bury themselves.

The times are changing. Folk are waking up to the FTA dealers nefarious agenda laced with spins on the truth and lies.

Offline bigdishjohn

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Re: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« Reply #24 on: January 07, 2019, 07:42 am »
What fuels the continued attacks from the fta children at Rainier? Could their hobby be dying? Or is it because Brian  Gohl  owner of Titanium Satellite wants to focus attention away from prospective buyers of Rainier so he again can ripoff the public with another one of his tailight warranty products.  It's ironic that with the announcement of the upcoming release of his latest clunker the attacks increased substantially. Coincidence, I think not. I guess Brian forgot his last fiasco with the Geosat that practically bankrupted him as he needed to greenmail his customers to save face as they were ready to lynch him because of all the problems with it. A guy who needs to conduct unethical business as such really shouldn't be able to. Heck used car salesmen have better business ethics than that.

Brian's and his buddies nefarious agenda goes deeper then shows on the surface. He continues to use underground methods to manipulate search engine results on Google. Brian often brags about Google indexing in many posts. That's pretty pathetic.

Let them keep it up. It's gets funnier and funnier watching them squirm every time Rainier surpasses a new milestone. It puts egg on their face, where it should be.

Offline a1gonquin

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Re: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« Reply #25 on: January 13, 2019, 05:47 pm »
Wonder if the IRS was kept in the know about his greenmailing activities to save face. Let's see now, since he left SatAV there was that microHD, followed by that Geosat flop and now he's tooting his horn over that Edishun O-solo-mio thing. And once again using his testers for his support group as before.........until the day he's done with that toilet paper roll, then.......flush.

Maybe he ought to get in contact with his tax man, Steve Kleinot aka stargays aka vendig aka artphill aka hermanmuns etc, whose efforts were the kiss of death for FridgeFTA & ACS.

The belief that there is only one truth, and that oneself is in possession of it, is the root of all evil in the world.

Max Born

Offline bigdishjohn

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Re: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« Reply #26 on: January 22, 2019, 09:13 am »
I wonder if these shady FTA dealers tell their potential customers most of the channels they say you need their equipment for can be received with an over the air antenna and the tuner built in your TV set? I doubt it.

That's what makes Rainier different. Their channels are cable TV pay channels which you can't get without a subscription to a pay provider.

Offline skyscanner

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Re: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« Reply #27 on: January 26, 2020, 09:51 am »
Can't understand what those forums intend to prove. Rainier Satellite's a top shelf company. They now have all the big networks, ESPN, Fox, HBO, A&E and a bunch more on their business platform. Rainier's home platform is no slouch either and continues to get better. Can those FTA guys say they achieved this?? Hell NO! I've now been a subscriber for a while. I'm extremely satisfied with the service and the way Rainier goes out of the way for customers. 

Anybody who believes the lies those FTA forums spread are damn fools. Look beyond your nose people and try Rainier Satellite. You'll be quite surprised how good they really are.

Offline bigdishjohn

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Re: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« Reply #28 on: February 29, 2020, 08:17 am »
Rainier's done it! All the channels are available from them. Took a while but its done, can't beat that! I noticed all the negative fta posters, basher's at those forums now turned quiet as a church mouse, WHY??? Funny how that works. Goes to show they been full of hot air from day one. So what did they accomplish by their nefarious agenda? NOTHING! Time proved they were nothing more then lying clowns from day one. 

Thank you Rainier Satellite for hanging in there getting things done with all the adversity on your back. I wish you guys continued success through determination and hard work. You guys are the best!

Offline 4dtvfrank

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Re: FTA Forums and their Negativity towards Rainier Satellite
« Reply #29 on: March 14, 2020, 07:47 am »
All those FTA dealers and forums like TVROSAT that have lied for years are now getting payback. Their source of cheap Chinese JUNK products have dried up because of COVID-19. Rainier on the other hand has plenty of US stock on hand. They're the only source for dish movers today (the Mighty Mini) No more whatever joke boxes or discontinued Titanium movers are available.

Rainier's the leader in C band equipment and programming. They just added the Pac-12 channels which brings their count to over 200 top channels available.

As these Rainier defamers continue their lies, they keep burning themselves. When will they wise up and learn the only way to do it is the right way.