Author Topic: Incorrect information being spread about D9865 receivers at SatelliteGuys +.  (Read 1866 times)

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Offline rainiersatellite

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    • Rainier Satellite
 Concerning incorrect information being spread on End of life for D9865 Receivers.

Rainier Satellite wants the facts to be known. Some continue to spread lies.

  It has been brought to our attention that the fictitious rumor that some have perpetrated over the years  continues to be published by competitors to create confusion about our D9865 receivers life ending in 2013. This is found on Satelliteguys, TVROSAT, Satforums and others.

Now for the truth. Cisco acquired the PowerVu scrambling system from Scientific Atlanta including manufacturing and distributing the D9865 receivers. For years Cisco used the old stock number that SA was using for ordering. As of late Cisco updated their database and renumbered the D9865 receivers with new stock numbers for distribution. In short there is no end of life of the D9865 as some insist to continue  spreading rumors about other than an old SA stock number.

In short the receivers life is not ending life like other competitor system websites post. This is nothing more than an attack on Rainier Satellite to try to slow growth.

Hopefully this will clear this up once and for all. If you have any questions or concerns about this or anything else feel free to contact Rainier Satellite at 509-486-4137
« Last Edit: July 30, 2018, 11:36 AM by rainiersatellite »
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Offline ranger_z520

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Funny how some people are so miserable with there own life. I just purchased a new D9865 and it works great. The picture I get with mine is untouchable by the pizza dishes. They can't compete with the HD. QUALITY of the D9865. You have to see it with your own eyes to believe how good the picture is with the D9865. The pizza dishes and their receivers do not come close. I am done with the pizza junk for ever and once you all see the difference you will be done with their junk too! The only thing the hateful people can do is to try to spread their hateful crap. I am not buying hateful crap. If their product is so good why don't they stop the negative crap and promote their stuff. CAUSE THEIR CRAP DOES NOT EVEN COMPARE WITH the D9865. I have seen both with my own eyes and have went with the D9865! It simply is great and they are available for purchase NOW! I don't buy negativity, I buy and pay for the best.

Offline gammy5911

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          I too have purchased the 9865  thru Rainier and am a subscriber from almost the beginning.  Being a 4DTV viewer for many years before the shutdown and now HITS will be gone, it was a wise choice for me to drop the pizza dish over a year ago. What I saved from the pizza man, paid for my 9865 in under a year.  Believe us, the visual difference there is between the pizza and the 9865.  Have had many compliments as to the picture that it puts out.  The crap that goes around will eventually get around to the front end of the those who spread it.  They will learn, hopefully.  Like many others, we are waiting in anticipation for the new channels to start up in pure HD.  Can't wait for that day..........

Offline Dominic22

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Someone told me digichifer2 is going away is that true

Offline a1gonquin

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Also a subscriber to Rainier here and the 9865H I've been using since beginning of Rainier continues to perform flawlessly, both for subscription service and for free to air when in the clear.

These diseased minds that intentionally misdirect again & again earn little credibility with me. Same sickos that continue their campaigns at Satelliteguys, Tvrosat & also Satforums do like disservice to any other innovation that comes along unless: 1) its cheap to purchase & 2) has the endorsements of the eyepatch crowds. Never mind that their favorite boxes have next to zero support - they'll search the dark web from dusk 'til dawn.
They know who they are. They are the ones with closets full of abandoned, orphaned Asian stbs that never worked as advertised.

This whole EOL document misinterpretation is baloney - the perpetrators know that their followers won't take the time to read the Cisco documents thoroughly.

The belief that there is only one truth, and that oneself is in possession of it, is the root of all evil in the world.

Max Born

Offline rainiersatellite

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    • Rainier Satellite
If you read the Cisco documents properly you will see that the model number is all that changed and the D9865 receiver is not going away. In fact Cisco's New D9865D 2017 model has new Firmware and many enhancements that Rainier will be implementing in the future. This model is all were selling now at the same price as the D9865H's were.

The misinformation being spread at different places including, TVROSAT, SATELLITEGUYS, SATFORUMS and others is to confuse possible future clients and keep them from becoming Rainier customers. Rainier satellite knows who many of these characters are that perpetrate this agenda. Much of it ties back to a pirate line from Canada and South America that continues to attempt to sell product defrauding the public selling cheap Chinese products to the unsuspecting public offering poor or non existent support once monies are paid to them.

These garage based fta dealers offer no phone support of any kind. Have little or no information of physical location. Many even don't have a license to do business. These points alone should be a red flag to anyone looking into doing business with them. In short Buyer Beware.

Honest businesses offer phone support, have an legit address tied to their business license, and are accredited with the better business bureau. Rainer Satellite meets and exceeds all of this criteria.

You can contact Rainier Satellite at 509-486-4137 if you have any questions or concerns about our products or services. 

Rainier Satellite LLC Support.
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Offline Dominic22

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I am glad you guys are helping a c-band community hopefully in a couple years we get more channels a lot of these other form say that your receiver is not great cuz it doesn't do blinds can will you ever have blind scan or have a model that will do Plies skin

Offline rainiersatellite

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    • Rainier Satellite
Rainier continues to add content. This year we already added 13 channels to our platform. More are on the way.

Forums that laugh at our receivers can't compete with the quality of our 9865. (the 9865 is a commercial receiver in a consumer STB shell). Those places continue to offer foreign junk meant for 3rd world countries. Their new models are already end of life and offer no support. Those forums are also plagued with reports of many bugs from their receivers. They can't get it right and never will. You can't make $5.00 worth of electronics perform like $500.00 that's a fact. We feel sorry for those folk stuck on the FTA receiver merry go round. Will they ever learn?????

With FTA channel count diminishing due to encryption, blind scan is becoming less important. What is the sense of scanning just to find encrypted signals with a black screen? Fancy GUI's do nothing for functionality and performance. Do you ever see a commercial receiver with a glitzy interface?? NO! Take a lesson from what is used by the professionals. Rainier provides all the parameters for our channels and also offers an optional data pre load service if you need it.

Stay tuned... Rainier has major announcements coming soon. We will be expanding our business model and will be offering many more options just like the big boys. Rainier has been preparing for a long bright future in the telecommunications industry. We are dedicated and continue to grow!   
Rainier Satellite LLC Support.
Call us at: 509-486-4137

Offline Dominic22

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Cool that's awesome I read the Cisco documents and then in the future are you going to be adding any internet services no big deal I just got scared cuz the other forms or tell me you won't last much longer than a couple years cuz they say that you don't offer enough channels I was just getting scared my bad

Offline rainiersatellite

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    • Rainier Satellite
Cool that's awesome I read the Cisco documents and then in the future are you going to be adding any internet services no big deal I just got scared cuz the other forms or tell me you won't last much longer than a couple years cuz they say that you don't offer enough channels I was just getting scared my bad

You can stay informed with Rainier's upcoming progress at:

Forums and their members that preach bad things about Rainier can't accept the truth about the industry and how it works. They think they're entitled to pay TV for free for some reason. They don't want to see Rainier succeed, they think that if Rainier is out of the picture the programmers will unscramble everything just for them. NO that will not happen. The fact is Rainer has nothing to do with getting signals scrambled. They scramble because they are private transmissions meant for a specific end user that pay for the content or are part of a private network. They're not for the FTA grey area viewers as they think. Even if Rainier did not exist the channels would still scramble. Rainier is not the bad guy as they try to promote us as. Rainier has done many positive things for the backyard dish folk and will continue. We are not going away and continue to grow. The sooner these forums and their members accept this the better they will make it for themselves. Every time Rainier reaches another milestone with progress it leaves them with egg on their face. But then again maybe they like to be known for that :(         
Rainier Satellite LLC Support.
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Offline bigdishjohn

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I just got scared cuz the other forms or tell me you won't last much longer than a couple years cuz they say that you don't offer enough channels I was just getting scared my bad

Don't listen to those forums. They're mad they can't have everything for free with their junk boxes. Their sales are dead, so they blame Rainier for it. They should be looking at their lack of good products and customer support instead of blaming Rainier.

Offline rainiersatellite

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    • Rainier Satellite
Most of those FTA forum folk gripe about prices of programming, then gripe when they can't watch because it's scrambled and won't subscribe. What do they expect? I doubt any profit making business (such as pay TV programmers/providers) are in it for charity.
Rainier Satellite LLC Support.
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Offline bigdishjohn

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Instead of griping about prices and scrambling they should try Rainier Satellite. The monthly fee's are cheap and you get some decent channels. They may end up liking it.  :)

Offline rainiersatellite

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    • Rainier Satellite
We welcome everyone with a c band dish to take a look at Rainier and get on board.

C band TV use to be great before Motorola took it over and destroyed it. FTA is not the cup of tea its made out to be as the best programming is on the pay channels. Rainier has them and adding more. Our Cisco 9865's needs no updates out of the box. They work well and experience none of the troubles one will read about everyday with FTA boxes on those FTA forums. The choice is yours. Continue losing FTA channels as they scramble. Put up with receiver issues that the FTA dealer can't fix. OR Get the Rainier Cisco D9865 and fill it with great programming. It's really a no brainier. Get on board with Rainier! Were the future of C band Satellite.   
Rainier Satellite LLC Support.
Call us at: 509-486-4137

Offline bigdishjohn

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Tvrosat is now spreading rumors that no subscription TV service is available on C band. What's with these losers? Do they really think anyone with a computer looking for subscription for their big dish won't find Rainier?